Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Things You Might Not Know About Me!

  1. I want to play the steel drums,
  2. I was in 2 years of kindergarten upwards,
  3. I have been writing cursive since I could write,
  4. I read books over my reading level,
  5. I hope to wear point shoes one day,
  6. I want to graduate with honors,
  7. I used to not like to write stories,
  8. I can french knit,
  9. I don't like to diagram sentences,
  10. I have never been to the orthodontist,
  11. history is my favorite subject,
  12. I have been to Canada,
  13. I am deathly afraid of shots,
  14. I can not play the recorder,
  15. I am a secretary (in a club),
  16. I used to want to play the trombone,
  17. I am reading the whole Bible,
  18. I know more about the Boer War than Daddy,
  19. I love Bible Quizzing,
  20. I have a mail box,
  21. I make robots,
  22. I want to be a writer and illustrator,
  23. I put labels on all of my posts on my blog,
  24. I know eighth notes in piano,
  25. I have done ballet since I was 3,
  26. I have done upwards for 5 years,
  27. I wash my own clothes,
  28. I sent a letter to former President Bush,
  29. I hardly eat soup,
  30. The dentist is not horrible,
  31. I have never had a bee sting,
  32. I like to babysit as long as the kids don't give me a hard time,
  33. I don't have enough patience to make a big crocheting project,
  34. I can do magic tricks.

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Twinkle twinkle little star,
You are not very far,
You stay beside me everyday,
Even in bed when I lay,
Twinkle twinkle little star,
You are not very far.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Brave Graciauna Book 1 chapter 1

I was walking through Tokyo saying hello to my friends. I saw some men having a meeting about attacking China. That was because China wanted to take over Japan. I was scared that China would attack Japan. They do not like our democracy and our always being kind. In other words, China does not like us being good people. Even though I was scared, I thought war might be a good idea if we had at least one good war leader.

To be continued

Monday, January 12, 2009

Brave Graciauna Book 1 introduction

Hi! I am Queen Graciauna and an 18 year old war leader. I know that sounds weird and you might think I'm mean but I'm not at all. I'll tell you how I reached these achievements. It all started when I was 16.

to be continued!